October 5, 2024

Jimmy Fallon Was Emotional On-Air Over Howard Stern’s Support Following His Worst Interview Moment Ever

Jimmy Fallon’s career was destroyed by his interview with Donald Trump, but Howard Stern saved him.

Presenters of late-night shows can never hope to please every audience member. The biggest late-night show hosts have offended audiences in the past. Jimmy Fallon and Donald Trump were in one particular moment, with the Tonight Show host seemingly going too far. As a result, Fallon’s career suffered.

But just in time, Howard Stern saved the day for him. Throughout his career, Fallon has never been particularly emotional, but at this specific moment, he was clearly expressing his gratitude for Stern.

We’ll look back at the events that led up to it and hear Stern’s thoughts on the hair incident involving Trump and Fallon. We’ll also share the opinions of Reddit users as well as other controversies Fallon encountered during

Howard Stern helped Jimmy Fallon when he needed it most. Howard Stern talked about backing Jimmy Fallon after the backlash against Trump. Stern also wrote a glowing review of Fallon in his book Howard Stern Comes Again. When Fallon learned that he was the focus of Stern’s book, he became tearful on the show.

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